Ed Daines - Director WilkinsonEyre Australia BSc MArch RIBA

portrait of associate director edward daines

Ed Daines is the Director of WilkinsonEyre Australia, playing an essential role in many of the practice’s projects in the region. He has over 20 years of experience designing and delivering high-quality UK and international projects across a variety of sectors.

His current projects include 600 Collins St, a significant new office tower in Melbourne, which aims to create the next generation of sustainable workplace. The signature commercial project will deliver more than 60,000 square metres of collaborative office spaces, adaptable to the changing needs of a digitally enabled workforce, imbued with wellbeing features and high levels of tenant amenities.

Previously, Ed has been the project lead of the CIBC Square, a two-phase commercial development in the heart of downtown Toronto which comprises over 3.5 million sq. ft of office space, retail and a new public transport hub located on Bay Street. The project also features a substantial new elevated public park constructed over the main rail corridor across the city. His portfolio also includes work on Battersea Power Station in the UK and a range of infrastructure and masterplan projects.

He enjoys all scales of projects and all stages of design and delivery, taking pleasure in distilling often complex briefs to find elegant solutions. Ed has spoken at industry conferences and other public events and communicates effectively and persuasively with stakeholders throughout the design and construction process.